J2EE Development Made Easy with the Complete Reference PDF and Server Ortungssystem
J2EE Complete Reference PDF Free 89 Server Ortungssystem: A Comprehensive Guide for Java Developers
If you are a Java developer who wants to learn how to create powerful web applications using the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform, then you need a complete reference that covers all aspects of this technology. You also need a reliable way to locate your servers and monitor their performance. In this article, you will learn about J2EE, its architecture, components, databases, web technologies, interconnectivity, security, web services, best practices, design patterns, and more. You will also learn about the J2EE Complete Reference book by Jim Keogh, which is a comprehensive and best-selling guidebook for J2EE development. You will also learn about the server ortungssystem, which is a system that helps you find and track your servers. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of J2EE and its applications, and you will be able to download the book for free and use the server ortungssystem with your J2EE projects.
J2ee Complete Reference Pdf Free 89 server ortungssystem
J2EE is a platform that provides a set of APIs and services for developing and deploying enterprise applications that run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). J2EE is designed to support multi-tier architectures, where the application logic is distributed among different layers or tiers. J2EE enables developers to create scalable, secure, reliable, and interoperable web applications that can handle complex business processes and transactions.
A complete reference is a book that covers all the topics and features of a technology or a subject in detail. A complete reference is useful for learning a new technology or for refreshing your knowledge of an existing one. A complete reference usually contains examples, exercises, tips, tricks, best practices, and design patterns that help you master the technology or the subject.
A server ortungssystem is a system that helps you locate and monitor your servers. A server ortungssystem can use various methods to find your servers, such as IP addresses, domain names, GPS coordinates, or RFID tags. A server ortungssystem can also provide information about your servers' status, performance, load, availability, security, and more. A server ortungssystem can help you optimize your resources, troubleshoot problems, improve efficiency, and ensure quality of service.
J2EE Architecture and Components
J2EE follows a multi-tier architecture, which divides the application logic into four layers: the client tier, the web tier, the business tier, and the enterprise information systems (EIS) tier. Each tier has a specific role and responsibility in the application.
The client tier is the layer that interacts with the users. The client tier can consist of various types of clients, such as web browsers, desktop applications, mobile devices, or other devices that can access the web tier.
The web tier is the layer that handles the presentation and navigation of the application. The web tier can consist of various web technologies, such as HTML, XML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java Servlets, Java Server Pages (JSP), JavaServer Faces (JSF), or other frameworks that generate dynamic web content.
The business tier is the layer that implements the business logic and rules of the application. The business tier can consist of various components that encapsulate the functionality and data of the application. The main component technology in J2EE is Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), which are reusable and distributed components that can handle transactions, concurrency, security, persistence, and more.
The EIS tier is the layer that connects to external systems and resources that are required by the application. The EIS tier can consist of various systems and resources such as databases, legacy systems, messaging systems, web services, or other services that provide data or functionality to the application.
J2EE provides a set of APIs and services that enable developers to create components for each tier of the architecture. Some of the most important APIs and services are:
The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API for accessing relational databases.
The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API for accessing naming and directory services.
The Java Transaction API (JTA) for managing transactions across multiple resources.
The JavaMail API for sending and receiving emails.
The Java Message Service (JMS) API for sending and receiving messages asynchronously.
The Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) for securing applications.
The Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) for encrypting and decrypting data.
The Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) for establishing secure connections using SSL/TLS protocols.
The Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) for parsing and transforming XML documents.
The Java API for XML Binding (JAXB) for mapping XML documents to Java objects.
The Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) for creating and consuming SOAP-based web services.
The Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) for accessing and publishing information to UDDI and ebXML registries.
The Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC) for invoking remote procedures using XML.
The JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) for handling different types of data.
The Java API for XML-based Data Binding (JAXB) for mapping XML schemas to Java classes.
J2EE Databases and Data Access
J2EE applications often need to store, retrieve, and manipulate data from various sources. J2EE provides several ways to access data from relational databases, which are the most common type of data sources for web applications.
The JDBC API is the standard API for connecting to relational databases from Java applications. JDBC provides a set of classes and interfaces that allow developers to execute SQL statements, process query results, handle exceptions, and manage transactions. JDBC also supports different types of drivers that enable connectivity to various database vendors and versions.
The SQL language is the standard language for querying and manipulating data in relational databases. SQL consists of several commands and clauses that allow developers to perform various operations on data, such as creating tables, inserting records, updating values, deleting records, selecting data, joining tables, grouping data, sorting data, filtering data, and more. SQL also supports various data types, functions, operators, expressions, and keywords that enable developers to write complex queries and statements.
J2EE Web Technologies and Presentation
J2EE applications need to present data and functionality to the users in a user-friendly and interactive way. J2EE provides several web technologies that enable developers to create dynamic web pages that can display data, accept user input, navigate between pages, and invoke business logic.
HTML, XML, and XHTML are markup languages that define the structure and content of web pages. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is the most widely used language for creating web pages. HTML uses tags and attributes to specify how the elements of a web page should be displayed by a web browser. XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language and is a language that allows developers to define their own tags and attributes for describing data. XML is often used for exchanging data between applications or systems. XHTML stands for eXtensible HyperText Markup Language and is a language that combines HTML and XML. XHTML follows the rules of XML syntax and allows developers to create well-formed web pages that can be processed by XML tools.
Java Servlets are Java classes that run on a web server and handle requests from web clients. Java Servlets can generate dynamic web content by using the HTTP protocol, reading parameters from the request, performing business logic, accessing databases or other resources, and writing responses to the client. Java Servlets can also manage sessions, cookies, headers, status codes, filters, listeners, and more.
Java Server Pages (JSP) are text files that contain HTML code and Java code. JSP files are compiled into Java Servlets by a JSP engine that runs on a web server. JSP files allow developers to separate the presentation logic from the business logic by using various elements such as directives, declarations, scriptlets, expressions, actions, custom tags, and more. JSP files can also use JavaBeans components or EJB components to access data or functionality.
, and more. EJB components can be of two types: session beans or entity beans. Session beans are components that represent the actions or processes of an application. Entity beans are components that represent the data or objects of an application. EJB components can communicate with other components or clients using local or remote interfaces.
J2EE Interconnectivity and Communication
J2EE applications often need to communicate with other applications or systems that are located on different machines or networks. J2EE provides several technologies that enable developers to create distributed and integrated applications that can exchange data or functionality using various protocols and formats.
The JavaMail API is an API that allows developers to send and receive emails from Java applications. The JavaMail API supports various protocols such as SMTP, POP3, IMAP, and MIME. The JavaMail API provides classes and interfaces for creating, composing, sending, receiving, and parsing email messages. The JavaMail API also supports attachments, headers, addresses, folders, events, and more.
The Java IDL and CORBA technologies are technologies that allow developers to create and invoke distributed objects that are written in different languages and run on different platforms. Java IDL stands for Java Interface Definition Language and is a language that defines the interfaces of remote objects. CORBA stands for Common Object Request Broker Architecture and is a standard that defines how remote objects can communicate with each other using an object request broker (ORB). The ORB is a software component that locates, invokes, and returns the results of remote objects. The Java IDL and CORBA technologies provide classes and interfaces for creating, registering, locating, invoking, and returning remote objects.
The Java RMI and JMS technologies are technologies that allow developers to create and invoke remote methods and send and receive messages asynchronously from Java applications. Java RMI stands for Java Remote Method Invocation and is a technology that enables developers to invoke methods of remote objects that are written in Java and run on the same JVM or different JVMs. Java RMI provides classes and interfaces for creating, exporting, registering, locating, invoking, and returning remote objects. Java RMI also supports security, serialization, activation, dynamic class loading, and more. JMS stands for Java Message Service and is an API that enables developers to send and receive messages asynchronously between applications or components. JMS supports various types of messages such as text messages, bytes messages, object messages, map messages, or stream messages. JMS also supports various types of messaging models such as point-to-point or publish-subscribe.
J2EE Security and Naming
J2EE applications need to protect their data and functionality from unauthorized access or modification. J2EE provides several features and mechanisms that enable developers to secure their applications at different levels.
, encryption, and auditing. Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user or a system that tries to access an application. Authorization is the process of granting or denying access to the resources or operations of an application based on the identity or role of a user or a system. Encryption is the process of transforming data into an unreadable form that can only be decrypted by authorized parties. Auditing is the process of recording and analyzing the activities and events that occur in an application.
The security mechanisms of J2EE include JAAS, JCE, JSSE, SSL/TLS, certificates, keystores, digital signatures, and more. JAAS stands for Java Authentication and Authorization Service and is a framework that provides classes and interfaces for implementing authentication and authorization in Java applications. JCE stands for Java Cryptography Extension and is an extension that provides classes and interfaces for implementing encryption and decryption in Java applications. JSSE stands for Java Secure Socket Extension and is an extension that provides classes and interfaces for establishing secure connections using SSL/TLS protocols in Java applications. SSL/TLS stands for Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security and are protocols that provide security and reliability for data transmission over the internet. Certificates are digital documents that contain information about the identity and public key of a user or a system. Keystores are files that store certificates and private keys. Digital signatures are data that verify the authenticity and integrity of a message or a document.
J2EE applications also need to access and use various naming and directory services that store and provide information about the resources or components of an application. J2EE provides the JNDI API for accessing naming and directory services from Java applications. JNDI stands for Java Naming and Directory Interface and is an API that provides classes and interfaces for creating, binding, looking up, renaming, unbinding, listing, and modifying objects in naming and directory services. JNDI supports various types of naming and directory services such as DNS, LDAP, RMI, CORBA, or JMS.
J2EE Web Services and Integration
J2EE applications often need to integrate with other applications or systems that provide data or functionality that are not available within the application. J2EE provides several technologies that enable developers to create and consume web services that can exchange data or functionality using standard protocols and formats.
A web service is a software component that can be accessed over the internet using standard protocols such as HTTP or SOAP. A web service can provide data or functionality to other applications or systems using standard formats such as XML or JSON. A web service can be described using standard languages such as WSDL or RESTful API documentation. A web service can be discovered using standard registries such as UDDI or ebXML.
J2EE provides several technologies that enable developers to create and consume web services from Java applications. Some of the most important technologies are:
The SOAP protocol for exchanging XML messages between web services and clients.
The UDDI standard for publishing and discovering information about web services in registries.
The ebXML standard for exchanging business information between web services using XML.
The JAXR API for accessing and publishing information to UDDI and ebXML registries from Java applications.
The WSDL language for describing the interface and operations of web services.
The JAX-WS API for creating and consuming SOAP-based web services from Java applications.
The RESTful style for designing simple and scalable web services that use HTTP methods and URIs.
The JAX-RS API for creating and consuming RESTful web services from Java applications.
and Design Patterns
J2EE applications need to follow certain best practices and use certain design patterns to ensure the quality, performance, maintainability, and scalability of the applications. Best practices are guidelines or recommendations that help developers to avoid common mistakes and problems in J2EE development. Design patterns are proven solutions or templates that help developers to solve common design problems or challenges in J2EE development.
J2EE provides several best practices and design patterns for each tier of the architecture. Some of the most common best practices and design patterns are:
For the client tier, use thin clients that delegate most of the processing and logic to the server tier, use caching and compression techniques to improve performance and bandwidth, use validation and error handling techniques to ensure user input and feedback, use responsive and adaptive design techniques to ensure user interface compatibility and usability.
For the web tier, use MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern to separate the presentation, control, and data layers of the web application, use filters and listeners to intercept and process web requests and responses, use custom tags and tag libraries to simplify and reuse JSP code, use JSF or other frameworks to create rich and interactive web pages.
For the business tier, use session facade pattern to provide a unified and simplified interface to the business logic layer, use service locator pattern to locate and access EJB components or other services, use data transfer object (DTO) pattern to transfer data between tiers or components, use data access object (DAO) pattern to abstract and encapsulate data access logic.
For the EIS tier, use resource adapter pattern to integrate with legacy systems or other resources using JCA (Java Connector Architecture), use object-relational mapping (ORM) tools or frameworks to map relational data to Java objects, use optimistic or pessimistic locking techniques to handle concurrency issues in data access.
J2EE also provides several frameworks and tools that support best practices and design patterns for J2EE development. Some of the most popular frameworks and tools are:
Spring Framework: a lightweight and comprehensive framework that provides various modules for dependency injection, aspect-oriented programming, MVC web development, data access, transaction management, security, testing, and more.
Hibernate: an ORM tool that provides a powerful and flexible way to map Java objects to relational databases using annotations or XML files.
Struts: an MVC web framework that provides a controller servlet, a tag library, a validation framework, an internationalization framework, and more.
Apache Tomcat: an open-source web server and servlet container that implements the Java Servlets and JSP specifications.
Eclipse: an open-source integrated development environment (IDE) that provides various plugins and tools for Java development.
J2EE Complete Reference PDF Free 89
If you want to learn more about J2EE and its applications, you need a complete reference that covers all the topics and features of this technology in detail. One of the best books that can help you with this is J2EE Complete Reference by Jim Keogh.
, who is an expert and experienced Java developer and instructor. The book is published by McGraw Hill Education in 2002 and covers J2EE 1.4 version.
The book has sections covering all the commercially important applications of J2EE. It begins with explaining the J2EE architecture, its databasing, and web services. The book lists down best practices for working with JSPs, EJBs, JDBCs, and Java Servlets, listing down ways to build components using these tools. Moreover, it also has the important section on implementing Java Server API and the Java Message Service,