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Millennial Support Group

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Karen Bespalov
Karen Bespalov

NewsLeecher 3.9 Final(with Keygen)

What a piece of pure unadulterated CRAP (and this is different from other releases how?)A friend of mine downloads this garbage (a registered owner - he paid for this junk) and it eats his 20 million header database.I download this (a registered owner whose license has expired) and it comes up with "your trial period has expired... THE FIRST TIME I LAUNCH IT AFTER INSTALLING THE NEW VERSION!Hell, I didn't even get a chance to try it - and now I don't want to. I haven't even used it yet and this greedy (expletive deleted) is whining and snivelling for money.The author needs a b**** slap - this is just more typical poorly written and even more poorly tested code from this moron.ONE star.Here's a solution that really works:Download Grabit. Create an account with nzbmatrix and pay them their 7 Pounds (about $11) for the TEN YEAR subscription. You don;'t need newsleecher's POS database, you have multithreaded downloads and automatic binary assembly and repair.And it's all free (or nearly so depending on whether you want to go to 900+ day retention beyond the 20 days of nzbmatrix that's offered with the free accounts) and more importantly you don;t have to put up with stupid bugs, incredibly invasive copy protection schemes and yearly EXTORTION for fixes that never ever materialize.@oleb:As you can see darling, others also call a spade a spade. I provide working solutions, not lil' fanboi schoolyard tantrums in favor of a ripoff.

NewsLeecher 3.9 Final(with Keygen)

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Been a paying user of newsleecher for about 2 years now. I wont lie, the program has its issues. But it still works fantastic, and does the job better than most, if not all, usenet clients. Not sure why the ratings are so low. Plus their licensing scheme is fairly interesting too. You can "rent" the program with the supersearch for like $3 a month.

Works perfect here! Been a registered user for years. Stability is great for me! Mem and cpu useage is low. A few bugs in the here and there, no big deal. People that have problems probably need more ram, or a better pc. I use dual monitor and have it running while playing world of warcraft. There isn't a program that comes close to newsleecher.

I've been using Newsleecher for about 16 months now. I love it. I do wish they would incorporate more advanced search and discovery features like the powerful Usenet Explorer does, but newsleecher is still great in keeping things simple & fast.

The best newsgroup reader. Hands down.I've tried every single newsreader on FileForum: Gravity, GrabIt, XNews, NewsBin, NewsPro, etc..Nothing compares to Newsleecher.One problem about newsleecher though is that it's ridiculously expensive. $35 a year for a stupid newsgroup search (even though the search works great!)? Give me a break.For some it might be worth it.

This is a very fine newsreader. It came out of nowhere a few months ago as beta only and has progressed to be a mature, excellent product in a short period of time. I bought a license and use it regularly.They are moving the newsleecher website at this moment so don't get excited about that. They'll be back up and running in a few days. They are affiliated with Crystal Art Software.Try it. It's good stuff.

This is BY FAR the best Usenet Downloader application in existence.I've been a paid Newsleecher user since July 2004 and my opinion still has not changed. I've tried them all.. even bought Newsbin Pro before I knew about Newsleecher.. but once I found out about Newsleecher, I never looked back at Newsbin Pro. NL blows NB Pro to pieces with some very innovative and useful features, especially regarding the handling of NZB files and PAR and PAR2 files. Most Usenet users today use NZB files to import file info rather than doing it "the old way", which is browsing groups and downloading headers, which takes too much time and has you download tons of useless headers. If you're really still doing that, I'm not sure where you've been, but go get an account at , right now. Right. Now.For everyone complaining about the recent crackdown of, that's something that's outside of the NL-guys' power, it's not their fault that they got shut down all of a sudden. According to them, they're working as hard as they can on getting the site back online by transferring everything to their own server. Please see this link if you want more info on the discussion of shutting down and the consequences, like the version reverting back to trial-mode, even for paid users. ,12508024mode=flatThat actually happened to me, and one of the NL guys admitted that it is a bug in NL, and that NL isn't supposed to be dependant on the NL servers in order to function in registered/paid mode. It's gonna be fixed in the next release. I was able to access two days ago and use the LOST LICENSE KEY feature on their site.. the system was up and working, and I got a new and working license key within minutes and was back up ever since without trial-mode problems.Their customer-support has a history of not being very dependable and solid, but the application itself is the absolute number 1 in its software-category IMHO.Check out the link above, and good luck.

its better than most programs of it its type, but one major thing that ive noticed: if i play a game in high priority mode under 2000 or xp, with newsleecher in the background, newsleecher virtually stops downloading. wtf? also it occasionally changes my desktop icons from "large" to "small." i give it 3 and a half stars

The word 'keygen' means a small program that can generate a cd key, activation number, license code, serial number, or registration number for a piece of software. KeyGen is a shortened word for Key Generator. A keygen is made available through crack groups free to download. When writing a keygen, the author will identify the algorithm used in creating a valid cd key.


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