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Download The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre PDF for Free and Learn About the Epic Battle of Isstvan V

The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre: A Review

If you are a fan of Warhammer 40k, you probably have heard of the Horus Heresy, the epic saga of betrayal, war, and tragedy that shaped the grimdark future of the galaxy. But did you know that there is a series of books that explore this era in more depth and detail than ever before? In this article, we will review one of these books, The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre, and tell you why you should read it or download it as a PDF.

the horus heresy book two - massacre pdf

What is the Horus Heresy?

Before we dive into the book itself, let's briefly recap what the Horus Heresy is and why it is so important for Warhammer 40k lore.

The background of the Warhammer 40k universe

Warhammer 40k is a tabletop wargame and a science fiction setting created by Games Workshop. It depicts a dystopian future where humanity is beset by aliens, demons, and traitors, and only survives thanks to the totalitarian rule of the God-Emperor of Mankind, a psychic superhuman who sits on a golden throne on Earth.

However, things were not always so bleak. Ten thousand years before the present day, humanity was undergoing a golden age of expansion and enlightenment under the guidance of the Emperor, who had created twenty superhuman warriors called Primarchs to lead his armies of genetically enhanced soldiers called Space Marines. Together, they embarked on a crusade to reunite all human worlds under one banner and bring peace and prosperity to the galaxy.

The betrayal of Horus and the civil war among the Space Marines

Unfortunately, this dream was shattered when one of the Primarchs, Horus Lupercal, who was also the Emperor's favorite son and Warmaster of his forces, fell to the corruption of Chaos, a malevolent force that dwells in a parallel dimension called the Warp. Horus turned against his father and convinced half of his brothers and their legions to join him in a rebellion that would plunge humanity into a brutal civil war that lasted for seven years.

This war is known as the Horus Heresy, and it is the defining event of Warhammer 40k history. It resulted in the death of millions of humans and Space Marines, the destruction of many worlds and civilizations, the fracture of the Imperium of Man, and the near-fatal wounding of the Emperor, who had to be interred in a life-support machine called the Golden Throne to keep him alive.

The Horus Heresy also marked the end of the Age of Enlightenment and the beginning of the Age of Darkness, where humanity regressed into superstition, ignorance, and fear, and faced constant threats from within and without. The Horus Heresy is a story of heroism and villainy, loyalty and treachery, glory and tragedy, and it has inspired countless novels, games, comics, and artworks over the years.

What is the Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre?

One of the most popular and comprehensive sources of information about the Horus Heresy is the series of books published by Forge World, a subsidiary of Games Workshop that specializes in producing high-quality resin models and accessories for Warhammer 40k. These books are not only rich in lore and narrative, but also provide rules and profiles for playing games set in the Horus Heresy era.

The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre is the second book in this series, and it focuses on one of the most pivotal and devastating battles of the war: the Dropsite Massacre. This was a brutal ambush that took place on the planet of Isstvan V, where four loyalist legions were lured into a trap by four traitor legions, resulting in a slaughter that nearly wiped out the loyalists and cemented Horus' rebellion.

The second book in the Forge World series

The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre was released in 2013 and written by Alan Bligh, who sadly passed away in 2017. It is a hardcover book with 274 pages, full of stunning artwork, illustrations, maps, diagrams, and photographs. It is divided into four main sections: The Age of Darkness, The Dropsite Massacre Campaign, Space Marine Legion Crusade Army List Additions, and The Lords of War.

The focus on the Dropsite Massacre and the four loyalist legions

The book covers the events leading up to, during, and after the Dropsite Massacre, as well as the background and history of the four loyalist legions that were involved: the Iron Hands, the Salamanders, the Raven Guard, and the Shattered Legions. It also provides rules and profiles for their unique units, characters, weapons, vehicles, and special abilities.

Brother against Brother

, where loyalist and traitor Primarchs clashed in epic duels; and The Blood of the Primarch, where the Emperor's Children assaulted the Raven Guard's fortress.

The book also gives a glimpse of the aftermath of the Dropsite Massacre, and how it affected the survivors and the course of the war. It shows how some loyalists managed to escape and form guerrilla bands called the Shattered Legions, how some traitors became disillusioned and regretful, and how some factions emerged within both sides, such as the Iron Warriors, the Alpha Legion, and the Blackshields.

What are the features of the Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre?

The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre is a must-have for any Warhammer 40k fan who wants to learn more about the Horus Heresy and play games set in this era. Here are some of the features that make this book stand out:

The rich lore and narrative of the campaign

The book is not just a collection of rules and profiles, but also a treasure trove of lore and narrative that immerses you in the story of the Dropsite Massacre. It gives you a detailed account of the events, characters, motivations, strategies, tactics, and outcomes of the battle, as well as the background and history of the legions involved. It also includes quotes, excerpts, transcripts, reports, and testimonies from various sources that add flavor and depth to the narrative.

The detailed rules and profiles for the legions and characters

The book also provides you with everything you need to play games set in the Horus Heresy era, especially if you want to use one of the four loyalist legions featured in the book. It gives you rules and profiles for their unique units, characters, weapons, vehicles, and special abilities, as well as guidelines for building your army list and choosing your warlord traits. It also gives you rules for playing legendary missions that recreate some of the most dramatic moments of the battle.

The stunning artwork and illustrations

The book is also a feast for the eyes, as it contains amazing artwork and illustrations that depict the scenes, characters, units, vehicles, weapons, and locations of the Dropsite Massacre. The book is full of color and detail, and it captures the mood and atmosphere of the Horus Heresy era. The book also includes photographs of beautifully painted models and dioramas that showcase the quality and variety of Forge World products.

How to get the Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre PDF?

If you are interested in getting a copy of The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre, you have a few options. You can either buy a physical copy from Forge World or download a PDF version from various websites. Here are some of the pros and cons of each option:

The official Forge World website and store

The best way to get a copy of The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre is to buy it directly from Forge World through their website or store. This way, you can support the creators of this amazing book and get a high-quality product that will last for a long time. You can also browse through their other products and see what else they have to offer for Warhammer 40k fans.

Second of all, Forge World products are not always available or in stock. The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre is currently out of stock on their website, and you may have to wait for a long time before they restock it. Third of all, Forge World products may have high shipping costs and customs fees, depending on where you live and how much you order. You may end up paying more than the price of the book itself.

The Internet Archive and Scribd websites

Another way to get a copy of The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre is to download a PDF version from websites like the Internet Archive or Scribd. These websites are online libraries that host millions of books, documents, and files that you can access for free or for a small fee. You can find The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre PDF on these websites and download it to your device or read it online.

However, downloading from these websites can also have some drawbacks. First of all, downloading from these websites may be illegal or unethical, depending on the copyright status of the book and the terms and conditions of the website. You may be violating the rights of the authors and publishers of the book and depriving them of their income. Second of all, downloading from these websites may be unsafe or unreliable, depending on the quality and security of the file and the website. You may end up with a corrupted or infected file that damages your device or compromises your data.


The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre is a great book for Warhammer 40k fans who want to learn more about the Horus Heresy and play games set in this era. It is a rich source of lore and narrative that immerses you in the story of the Dropsite Massacre and the four loyalist legions that fought there. It is also a detailed source of rules and profiles that allows you to create your own army list and play legendary missions that recreate some of the most dramatic moments of the battle. It is also a stunning source of artwork and illustrations that depicts the scenes, characters, units, vehicles, weapons, and locations of the Dropsite Massacre.

If you want to get a copy of The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre, you can either buy it from Forge World or download it from websites like the Internet Archive or Scribd. However, each option has its pros and cons, and you should weigh them carefully before making your decision. Buying from Forge World supports the creators of this amazing book and gives you a high-quality product, but it can also be expensive, unavailable, or costly to ship. Downloading from websites gives you a free or cheap access to the book, but it can also be illegal, unethical, unsafe, or unreliable.

Whatever option you choose, we hope you enjoy reading The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre and playing games set in the Horus Heresy era. It is a fascinating and thrilling part of Warhammer 40k history that deserves your attention and appreciation.


How many books are there in the Horus Heresy series?

The Horus Heresy series consists of two types of books: novels and rulebooks. The novels are published by Black Library and tell the story of the Horus Heresy from different perspectives and angles. There are currently over 50 novels in the series, with more being released every year. The rulebooks are published by Forge World and provide rules and profiles for playing games set in the Horus Heresy era. There are currently eight rulebooks in the series, with more being planned for the future.

What is the difference between Forge World and Black Library books?

novels and stories that tell the story of Warhammer 40k from different perspectives and angles. Forge World books are more focused on rules and profiles, while Black Library books are more focused on lore and narrative.

Who are the main characters in the Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre?

The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre features many characters from both the loyalist and traitor sides, as well as some neutral or independent factions. Some of the main characters are:

  • Horus Lupercal: The Warmaster of the Imperium and the leader of the traitor forces. He is the Primarch of the Sons of Horus legion and the mastermind behind the Dropsite Massacre.

  • Ferrus Manus: The Primarch of the Iron Hands legion and one of the loyalist leaders. He is a close friend of Fulgrim and a fierce warrior who values strength and efficiency.

  • Fulgrim: The Primarch of the Emperor's Children legion and one of the traitor leaders. He is a former friend of Ferrus Manus and a vain and ambitious warrior who seeks perfection and pleasure.

  • Vulkan: The Primarch of the Salamanders legion and one of the loyalist leaders. He is a compassionate and noble warrior who cares for his sons and the people he protects.

  • Konrad Curze: The Primarch of the Night Lords legion and one of the traitor leaders. He is a cruel and ruthless warrior who uses fear and terror as his weapons.

  • Corvus Corax: The Primarch of the Raven Guard legion and one of the loyalist leaders. He is a stealthy and cunning warrior who specializes in guerrilla warfare and infiltration.

  • Angron: The Primarch of the World Eaters legion and one of the traitor leaders. He is a savage and bloodthirsty warrior who lives for combat and slaughter.

  • Lorgar: The Primarch of the Word Bearers legion and one of the traitor leaders. He is a devout and zealous warrior who worships Chaos as the true gods of the galaxy.

How long is the Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre?

The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre is a hardcover book with 274 pages. It is divided into four main sections: The Age of Darkness, The Dropsite Massacre Campaign, Space Marine Legion Crusade Army List Additions, and The Lords of War. It also includes an introduction, a preface, an appendix, a bibliography, an index, and a colophon.

Where can I find more information about the Horus Heresy?

If you want to learn more about the Horus Heresy, you have many options. You can read the novels published by Black Library that tell the story of the Horus Heresy from different perspectives and angles. You can also read the rulebooks published by Forge World that provide rules and profiles for playing games set in the Horus Heresy era. You can also visit websites like Lexicanum or Warhammer 40k Wiki that provide comprehensive information about Warhammer 40k lore. You can also watch videos or listen to podcasts that discuss or review Warhammer 40k topics. 71b2f0854b


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