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Miles Kelly

Buy Remembrance Poppy WORK

In the days leading up to November 11, Poppies can be seen in every corner of this great country. This show of support and display of remembrance would not be possible without the efforts of thousands of Legionnaires who volunteer to distribute Poppies to the community through schools, community organizations and local businesses. We are so grateful for their efforts, and for the support of the many partners, local and national, who welcome Legion volunteers and Poppy boxes into their locations.

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The last Friday in October to Remembrance Day on Nov. 11, Canadians can visit and download their Digital Poppy to complement the traditional lapel poppy that's synonymous with honouring the service and sacrifice of our Veterans.

"It is extremely frustrating," said Nujma Bond, a national spokesperson for the legion. "It happens every year at about this time where we get a lot of fraudulent websites and people coming up with various poppy-related products."

"I feel as if it is an insult to those who have served, who are serving and have died for our country," said Mike Turner. He served in the military for eight years and now helps organize the poppy campaign at a Royal Canadian Legion branch in Toronto.

The poppy is the enduring symbol of remembrance of the First World War. It is strongly linked with Armistice Day (11 November), but the poppy's origin as a popular symbol of remembrance lies in the landscapes of the First World War.

During the First World War, millions of soldiers saw the poppies in Flanders fields on the Western Front. Some even sent pressed poppies home in letters. Over 100 years later, the poppy is still a world-recognised symbol of remembrance of the First World War. What is it about the poppy that captured the public imagination so profoundly? And why do some people see the poppy as a controversial symbol? In this video, First World War Curator Laura Clouting tells us more about the history of the poppy.

For many the poppy symbolises the great losses suffered during the First World War. Our poppy brooch is made by the Zoe Project which provides training and fairly paid work for women living in some of the poorest shanty towns of Lima, Peru. The brooch is handmade and includes a fixing clasp.

Like the poppy, it grew amid the mud and desolation of World War One but the term bleuet was also used to describe fresh, young soldiers conscripted to fight in that conflict, whose bright blue uniforms were a sharp contrast to the dirty trenches.

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) and The Royal British Legion (RBL) are urging members of the British public to be extra vigilant when buying poppy merchandise for Remembrance this year. Their donations are intended to support Armed Forces community men, women, veterans and their families. Instead they could end up benefitting fraudsters if their poppy merchandise turns out to be fake.

The IPO and The RBL have teamed up with the Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU) to crack down on the rogue traders making money from the fake Remembrance goods. The warning applies to poppy merchandise - scarves, jewellery, poppy pins and larger poppy brooches. This does NOT apply to the traditional paper poppies.

The PIPCU team has been targeting suspected sellers by visiting addresses and speaking with people in connection with this crime. In Autumn 2017, Border Force officers at Tilbury intercepted a shipment of poppy merchandise intended for the UK worth in the region of 150,000.

In 2018 the Tower once again became a site of commemoration, marking 100 years since the end of WWI with Beyond the Deepening Shadow. The nightly candle lighting ceremony in the moat was led by the Yeoman Warders and created a circle of light radiating from the Tower as a symbol of remembrance.

Yeoman Serjeant Crawford Butler, the Tower of London's longest serving Yeoman Warder, places the first of over 800,000 ceramic poppies in the moat. The last poppy was planted on Remembrance Day, 11 November 2014, by Harry Hayes, a 13-year-old cadet from the Combined Cadet Force.

This new installation, created by Designer Tom Piper and Sound Artist Mira Calix, saw the moat lit with thousands of individual flames; a public act of remembrance for the lives of the fallen, honouring their sacrifice.

An estimated 37 million people, military personnel and civilians, lost their lives. The 2014-2018 First World War Centenary commemorations were a world-wide act of remembrance to honour and remember those who lost their lives in the Great War.

It has eight branches across the country, in Paris, Bordeaux and the South-West, Brittany, Linazay-Poitou-Charentes, Lyon, Nice-Monaco, Nord/Pas de Calais, and Somme, covering several different locations in their area where you can pick up a poppy.

Anyone who wants to buy a poppy can contact individual branches on You can also email Catherine Curtis at, Brenda Vockings at, or Commander Michael Healy MBE at for poppies by post for anyone anywhere in France.

People can contact her by email to find out the location of their nearest poppy collector, and she will post poppies anywhere: In addition to traditional paper poppies I also offer 2019 poppy pins, car poppies and wreaths. I also put poppies on Ebay and have raised quite a bit of money in that way.

Nationally, the U.S. World War One Centennial Commission and Veterans of Foreign Wars have developed the Poppy Program. Poppy kits containing 60 poppy seed packets are sold to raise awareness of the war and remember those who served. Individuals may purchase kits and resell the seed packets to raise money for an organization of their choice.

We cherish, too, the poppy redThat grows on fields where valor led;It seems to signal to the skiesThat blood of heroes never dies,But lends a lustre to the redOf the flower that blooms above the deadIn Flanders Fields.

On September 27, 1920, the poppy became the official flower of The American Legion family to memorialize the soldiers who fought and died during the war. In 1924, the distribution of poppies became a national program of The American Legion.

No. White poppies were first produced in 1933 by the Co-operative Women's Guild, made up largely of women who had lost husbands, fathers, sons, brothers and friends in World War One. They were worried by the growing militarisation of Remembrance events and the detachment between the red poppy and the need to work for peace. The Guild's General Secretary, Eleanor Barton, called for renewed commitment "to that 'Never Again' spirit that was strong in 1918, but seems to grow weaker as years go on".

In 2018, we sold 122,385 white poppies: more than any year since white poppies were first worn in 1933. White poppies are distributed via individuals as well as shops, schools, colleges, workplaces, faith groups, trade union branches and museums. We are of course concerned with the message behind the white poppy and not only the sales figures.

At a national level, any profits from white poppy sales go towards promoting peaceful alternatives to war, campaigning against militarism and our peace education work. Remembering people killed in wars in the past naturally leads us to work to prevent war in the present and the future. However, the reality is that far fewer white poppies are currently sold than red poppies, so any profits they make are relatively small. White poppies are primarily about the message of peace and remembrance more than about raising funds.

Some argue that if you buy a white poppy you are taking away money that would go to support wounded veterans if you bought a red poppy instead. This is not true. There is nothing to stop someone wearing a white poppy while also donating to a charity to help those wounded in war. Many white poppies wearers make donations to such charities. When white poppies were launched in the 1930s by the Women's Co-operative Guild, their General Secretary Eleanor Barton insisted that, "The Guild was most anxious that nothing should be done that would prejudice the help given to disabled soldiers." However, the British Legion refused the Guild's request to produce white poppies or to print "No More War" at the centre of red poppies.

We want to see decent support for people affected by war. We believe, however, that such people should be able to turn to a well-funded welfare state rather than having to rely on charity. The UK government has been slashing the welfare state in recent years while maintaining the fourth highest military budget in the world. It is not white poppy wearers who are depriving British veterans of support; it is the UK government.

We are sometimes criticised by people who say that we should wear white poppies at a different time of year. These comments are often based on misunderstanding: it is sometimes mistakenly assumed that white poppies are a generic peace symbol. This is inaccurate. They are a symbol of remembrance for victims of war, both civilians and combatants, of all nationalities. They also represent a commitment to peace and a rejection of miltiarism. Some people who wear white poppies wear other symbols of peace at other times of the year, but white poppies are specifically a remembrance symbol.

It is sometimes inaccurately stated that the white poppy is political and the red poppy is not. In reality, they are as political as each other. For example, choosing to remember only UK and allied military personnel is just as political as choosing to remember all victims of war. The British Legion state that red poppies show "support for the armed forces". Whether or not you agree with this position, it is clearly a political position, just as making a commitment to peace is political. If one approach is dominant, this does not mean it is apolitical and beyond criticism.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:To you from failing hands we throwThe torch; be yours to hold it high.If ye break faith with us who dieWe shall not sleep, though poppies growIn Flanders fields.Both the poem and poppy have remained prominent Remembrance Day symbols. Here are some of the pictures of red poppies I have created for Remembrance Day. For every poppy I sell I will donate 1 to British Legion Remembrance Day poppy pinThese two poppies have been made of synthetic rich red satin and can be purchased in my shop on Etsy.But if you wish you can always order the iconic hand painted silk poppy like this one:With my best wishes,Your SvetlanaLeave a Reply 041b061a72


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